Worried about ultra-processed foods hidden in children’s packed lunches? Read our guide to healthy swaps… and, big surprise, Babybel is just one of them


They may come brightly packaged with colourful cartoon characters and cheerful slogans designed to appeal directly to children. But most food products marketed for kids are unhealthy – and not only high in fat, sugar and salt, but packed full of industrial ingredients and additives which are a hallmark of ultra-processed foods (UPFs).

And with such UPFs reported to now make up about 60 per cent of the average adult’s diet, there is a growing backlash against their proliferation amid worries about the lifelong effects they are having on children.

Dr Chris van Tulleken, who wrote the bestselling book Ultra-Processed People, defines UPFs as foods wrapped in plastic that contain ingredients you couldn’t find in your own kitchen.

Read more of the original article from DailyMail
