‘If we can get colon cancer, anyone can’: These three patients were 45 and in the ‘best shape of their lives’ when they were diagnosed with ‘death sentence’ disease – now they’re issuing a plea to young people

Three early-onset cancer survivors are pleading with the public to not ‘overlook the symptoms’ of colon cancer – after being diagnosed with terminal tumors in the prime of their lives.

Becky Krichevsky, Bill Phillips, and Helen Shipstad were all given shocking news they had colon or stomach cancer between 2009 and 2023 – at a time  before scientists were aware that the disease was surging in younger age groups.

Now, having all been declared cancer free, they are urging people to be hyper aware of the early signs, not to take no for an answer, and know that late-stage colon cancer ‘is no longer a death sentence.’

Read more of the original article from DailyMail

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