Hammer Toe

this story regards my sister not me but I felt compelled to tell it on her behalf. she had surgery a year ago to adress a hammer toe issue and the results were disastrous. she was given no post operative care or physical therapy regimen. She began to experience pain in both feet shortly after the procedure but attempts to contact the doctor that performed the procedure were unsuccessful. Six weeks went by before she was scheduled to attend an internship through her school, Bastyr University, to complete her acupuncture training and obtain her license. The only advice her doctor gave her was to wear cotton between her toes, which she did. After walking on her feet and in chronic pain for several months (during which time she attempted to contact the original podiatrist who had since relocated to the east coast) she sought advice from other doctors. She had developed plantar faciatitus which in turn resulted in a cramping of the muscles connected to her metatarsals on the 2nd an d 3rd toe of both feet. This caused her bones of her toes to drop which caused the muscles in her feet to spasm chronicly. The chronic pain has developed into a syndrome called reflux sympathetic dystrophy which in turn is causing her nerves to deteriorate. She has seen over a dozen doctors, physical therapists, orthopedic surgeons, and been to the Harborview foot and ankle clinic as well. A year ago she salsa danced and played in basketball tournaments. Today she can barely stand for any length of time. She was forced to quit her acupuncture practice which she just started at a local clinic and can barely hold down her second job, as a records specialist at a hospital. She is clinically depressed and on neurontin, which hasn’t had any significant affect on the pain. I and other members of her family have tried to find out any information to help her but haven’t had much success. If anybody knows anything about this type of condition (reflux sympathetic dystrophy) could you please let us know. I’m not sure how you would go about it at this forum but whatever information anybody has (including Dr. Bob, and yes I am going to try the NerveFix) please respond. She’s only 28 and her career as a acupuncturist and herbal medicine, which she invested 6 years of her life, is at stake. Please respond, thank you and God Bless.
Jeremy W.