Dear Beacon of Truth,

This is my second email to you — my head is full of healthy comments and questions! I saw your link to ADD. I’m a public school teacher. Do you know about ADHD research which suggests that many ADHD CHILDREN ARE SIMPLY KINESTHETIC LEARNERS! They learn by being wiggly and moving around! The drugs are for the parents who can’t deal with the energy, not the kids! Children’s health is at risk! You may appreciate this site from U. of Oregon: http:// learn01.html On another note, my mother passed away nine months after having a FLU SHOT at age 84. They did every test imaginable, but she simply had flu symptoms which took her appetite and she wasted away. Sure, she was old, but she is not the only person I have heard of who reacted adversely to this shot. I smell the marketing of fear! I know you’re sensitive to the economic bottom lines of drug manufacturers. What do you think? (You are a breath of fresh air! Keep up your work!) I am very much interested in blood type, also. I’m intrigued by D’Adamo’s books. Is there a link between blood type and a person’s ability to negotiate vaccines? She was Type A. She always did what her doctor told her to do and took what he prescribed. She was very fit, 100 pounds, hauled her own wood, and cooked her own meals .. before the shot. She had taken them in other years, as well, and always had dizzy spells afterwards. You would have liked her. Thank you so much for listening and helping us all learn, Dr. Martin. Why do they put your show on at a time (Sunday early am) when most Americans are busy eating waffles and doughnuts? Corporate medicine scared of you?
Thanks again, Jacqueline T.
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