Thirty-year study shows women who breastfeed for six months or more reduce their diabetes risk

Mi newborn son Miguel having a go at his mothers breast

In a long-term national study, breastfeeding for six months or longer cuts the risk of developing type 2 diabetes nearly in half for women throughout their childbearing years, according to new Kaiser Permanente research published Jan. 16 inĀ JAMA Internal Medicine.

“We found a very strong association between breastfeeding duration and lower risk of developingĀ diabetes, even after accounting for all possible confoundingĀ risk factors,” said lead author Erica P. Gunderson, PhD, MS, MPH, senior research scientist with the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research.

Women who breastfed for six months or more across all births had a 47 percent reduction in their risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to those who did not breastfeed at all. Women who breastfed for six months or less had a 25 percent reduction in diabetes risk.

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