RFK Jr. Wins Case Against Government For Vaccine Safety Violations


Robert F. Kennedy Jr teamed up with Del Bigtree of the Informed Consent Action Network to take on the Department of Health and Human Services for vaccine safety violations and they have won. Their lawsuit has brought forth evidence that vaccine safety has been neglected for over 30 years, and as we know it is nothing but a sham, showing that the government agencies we are to trust are not doing their jobs to ensure and improve the safety of immunizations.

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 compels DHHS to take responsibility for improving efficacy and safety of vaccines; and charges them with continuous monitoring and improving of adverse event reporting. The DHHS is also tasked with providing a report on improvements by the Mandate for Safer Childhood Vaccine clause to the Congress at least every 2 years.

Read more of the original article from WorldHealth