“VACCINES” REDEFINED: CDC had to change the definition of “vaccines” so that mRNA would not be discredited by its own description


The Trojan Horse of ‘vaccinations’ is the mRNA jab, where your cells are ‘broken into’ and re-instructed to produce billions of microscopic virus clone particles that can stick together anywhere in the vascular system, cleansing organs or the brain. There is NOTHING like this in the history of vaccinations. Now, these virus clones are scientifically being identified as ‘nanoparticles’ that may be able to be programmed to join together and even target certain parts of the body or brain. Again, this is NOTHING like any “vaccine” ever created before in the deep, dark history of a world corroded with dirty immunizations.

That brings us to the old school definition of vaccination, and how they were all described under one (fake) definition umbrella, versus the new modified, amended, twisted and warped definition, that’s wickedly crafted to sound “safe and effective” just like all the rest of the dirty lot. This is the great culling. The most effective weapon of mass destruction ever created – mRNA “vaccines.” A vaccine is a biological preparation that is supposed to help the body “acquire” immunity, but this has never been verified. Vaccines contain agents that resemble disease-causing microorganisms, so true immunity could only come naturally, and that’s why true immunity lasts so much longer than any vaccine “effect” or “adverse effect.”

Read more of the original article from NaturalNews

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