Greater attention needs to be paid to malnutrition in the sick and elderly, researchers say


As many as half of all patients admitted to hospital and other healthcare facilities are malnourished. This has serious consequences for the individual in terms of unnecessary suffering, poorer quality of life and mortality. Providing nutrients can alleviate these problems, but not enough attention is paid to this knowledge. This is the conclusion of a review article by researchers from Uppsala University and the University of Gothenburg published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

“Far too few patients are diagnosed with malnutrition. Underdiagnosis and undertreatment of the condition remains a problem in healthcare and elderly care, not only in Sweden but worldwide. However, by using fairly simple methods, patients and older adults could be made to feel much better,” says Tommy Cederholm, professor of clinical nutrition at Uppsala University.

Read more of the original article from WorldHealth

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