1,000-plus doctors, scientists sign Hope Accord calling for SUSPENSION of all mRNA jabs

The Hope Accord is moving forward after cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra tweeted a video of himself explaining that more than 1,000 doctors, scientists and concerned citizens have thus far signed the document, which calls for the immediate suspension of all mRNA jabs.

In order for health professionals to reclaim any semblance of medical ethics and set the record straight that mRNA technology is dangerous an unsuitable for use in medicine, Dr. Malhotra is urging everyone who cares, including our readers, to sign the Hope Accord.

“In 2015, the editor-in-chief of The Lancet, Richard Horton, wrote a chilling commentary in which he claimed that possibly half of all the medical literature may simply be untrue,” Dr. Malhotra says in the video below. “He wrote that science had taken a turn towards darkness. And now it’s a question of who is going to take the first step to clean up the system.”

Read more of the original article from NaturalNews
