These are the best foods to support brain health, from salmon to strawberries

Although there are some things we can’t control when it comes to our brain health, such as the fact that older age and being female top the risk factors for Alzheimer’s, it’s not all out of our hands. As Dr. Annie Fenn, physician, chef and author of The Brain Health Kitchen: Preventing Alzheimer’s Through Food, tells Yahoo Life: “What we eat really matters for brain health, both now and in the future. The Global Council on Brain Health even includes ‘eating right’ as one of the six pillars for brain health, along with social connection, mental stimulation, stress management, physical activity and good sleep.”

According to Fenn, the MIND (Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay) diet is a brain-specific spin-off of the Mediterranean diet created just for the purpose of seeing if it can lower Alzheimer’s risk — and it appears to be working. “Eating this way reduces the risk by as much as 53%,” she states.

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