Are you sober for October? All the details on this trend, including mocktail recipes and how giving up alcohol can lead to more money and a smaller waistline

If you were to ask a group of 20-somethings six years ago if instead of going to a club on Friday night they wanted to try a bar that specializes in booze-free drinks, you would be met with wrinkled brows and scoffs.

But a lot has changed since the ‘sober curious movement’ picked up a rush of steam in 2018, garnering hundreds of thousands of devotees who have sworn off alcohol entirely or, as the movement urges, decided to cut back after deep reflection on why we drink, what good it brings us, and whether it’s worth the cost, both literally and figuratively.

The sober curiosity movement has led to the society-wide acceptance of Dry January and Sober October, four-week spells of mindfully abstaining from alcohol that for many people lead to the realization drinking could be inflicting more harm than good.

Read more of the original article from DailyMail

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