MIT scientist warns that glyphosate is our environment’s most destructive chemical

When you take an honest look around you – at the foods you eat, the hygiene products you use, and even the items in your home – you’ll find a startling amount of toxic chemicals. Even those who make an effort to use clean products wherever possible often admit that no matter how hard we try, we just can’t seem to avoid every potential toxin in our daily lives. However, if there is one that more people should be actively trying to avoid, it’s glyphosate. There is no question that this cancer-causing chemical is bad news, but the worst part about it is the fact that we are essentially drowning in it.

MIT scientist Stephanie Seneff, PhD, has long been warning about the dangers of glyphosate, which is currently the world’s most widely used herbicide. It can be found pretty much everywhere, from our food supply to our waterways and animal life. It has been routinely used for aerial spraying in the form of Monsanto’s Roundup, which has enabled it to make its way everywhere.

Read more of the original article from NaturalNews

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