New Survey: 91% Of Parents Say Their Family Is Less Stressed When They Eat Together

New Release Survey Highlights:

  • 91% of parents notice their family is less stressed when they share family meals together.
  • 65% of surveyed adults say they are at least somewhat stressed, and more than a quarter (27%) are very or extremely stressed.
  • 84% of adults wish they could share a meal together more often.
  • Overall, respondents reported eating alone about half of the time.
  • Stress reduction, connecting with other people and taking time to slow down are identified as top benefits of mealtime.

Chronic, constant stress can increase the lifetime risk of heart disease and stroke, but a new survey from the American Heart Association, a global force for longer, healthier lives for all, reveals regular mealtime with others could be a simple solution to help manage stress.

Of the 1,000 U.S. adults nationwide surveyed in September 2022 for the American Heart Association’s Healthy for GoodTM movement by Wakefield Research, the vast majority (84%) say they wish they could share a meal more often with loved ones, and nearly all parents report lower levels of stress among their family when they regularly connect over a meal.

Read more of the original article from WorldHealth