CNN now publicly asking whether mRNA injections have CAUSED the current covid wave – exactly as we’ve been saying since day one


Pigs might be about to fly now that fake news giant CNN is admitting, in a surprising turn of events, that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” may actually be causing the constant and continual waves of covid infection that are being reported all around the world.

After denying, denying, and denying some more that the jabs are doing anything other than “saving lives,” CNN is beginning to question the legitimacy of the baseless government claim that Fauci Flu shots are “safe and effective.”

According to CNN, scientists are “urgently trying to solve … another piece of the immunity puzzle” concerning mRNA (messenger RNA) technology and its apparent propensity for making things worse rather than better as far as public health is concerned. (Related: One of the ways the jabs are making this worse is by giving people AIDS.)

Read more of the original article from CensoredScience

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