Researchers suggest doctors should start prescribing vibrators to women

A team of researchers led by Alexandra Dubinskaya, of Cedar-Sinai Medical Center has found that the medical benefits of women using vibrators are strong enough to warrant doctors prescribing their use to female patients on a regular basis. In their paper published in The Journal of Urology, the group describes their metastudy of research into the health impacts of vibrator use by women and why they believe the time may have come for them to be considered medical therapy devices.

Prior research has suggested that frequent masturbation by women can have positive health impacts, both physical and mental. In this new effort, the researchers noted that little work has been done on the use of vibrators as a masturbation aid and whether they have positive health impacts. They reviewed research databases for studies that involved use of vibrators for medical benefits and found 558 papers, which they whittled down to 21.

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