Drinking tea regularly linked to reduced cardiovascular disease risk

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Habitual tea drinkers have a reason to rejoice: Research has found that drinking tea every day may increase a person’s life span. 

According to a prospective cohort study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, drinking tea three or more times a week helps improve cardiovascular health and reduces the risk of death from all causes.

Chinese researchers studied over 100,000 healthy individuals with no history of heart attack, stroke or cancer. They split them into two groups: those who drank tea and those who didn’t. After follow-ups of an average of 7 years, the researchers concluded that habitual tea drinkers are less likely to develop heart diseases by 20 percent. They are also less likely to die from heart disease and stroke by 22 percent, and of other causes by 15 percent.

Read more of the original article from NaturalNews