Pfizer forecasts $54 billion in revenue in 2022 from sales of its COVID-19 vaccine and antiviral pill alone fueling an expected record of $102 billion


Pfizer estimates that it will rake in record-breaking earnings of more than $100 billion this year due to sales of its COVID-19 vaccine and antiviral pill to treat the virus.    

The rollout of the vaccine has already led to a substantial financial windfall for the New York City-based company, and the prospect on enhanced distribution of Paxlovid, the potential rollout of Omicron-tailored vaccines and more booster shots in the future will lead to an influx of even more cash.

On Tuesday, the company revealed its fourth quarter earnings and revenue projections for 2022 where it said it estimates it will earn up to $102 billion in sales next year, which would be a new record.

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