4 Minute Bursts Of Strenuous Exercise May Increase Longevity

Everyone wants to know the secret to healthy extended longevity, and research is showing that 4-minute bursts of strenuous exercise may help with that quest. HIIT included in workout routines provided better protection against premature death than moderate workouts alone.

In this large long term randomized and controlled study, more than 1,500 participants were placed into 3 groups, with one group as control following standard activity guidelines by walking or otherwise remaining in motion for half an hour on most days; the second group doing an exercise program of moderate intensity twice a week for 50 minutes; and the third group starting a high-intensity interval training routine of cycling or jogging at a vigorous pace for 4 minutes, then resting for 4 minutes and repeating the HIIT sequence 4 times.

Read more of the original article from WorldHealth