114 Year Old Longevity Warrior’s Secrets

Bernando LaPallo from East Valley, Arizona turned 114 on August 13, 2015, he attributes his long life to maintaining a simple lifestyle and dietary protocols that helped him to reach supercentenarian longevity warrior status while still feeling very well.

LaPallo claims to have never been sick a day in his life, and accredits this to his diet consisting of all organic produce, walking every morning, and avoiding red meat as well as fried and fast foods at all costs; his father cautioned him at a young age to stay away from these and he has always believed this to be best for good health.

LaPallo’s five foods that he eats to stay healthy and age well are garlic, cinnamon, olive oil, honey, and chocolate which are in addition to the organic fruits and vegetables that he attributes his successful healthy long life to.

Read more of the original article from WorldHealth