Benefits Of Cancer Prevention From A Healthy Diet


In recent years the number of people affected by cancer is on the rise, the American Cancer Society estimates that from the some 1.7 million new cancer cases at least 42% were newly diagnosed cases, and nearly 740,000 were avoidable.

The avoidable new cases of cancer includes the 19% of cancers caused by smoking and 18% caused by combinations of excess BMI, high alcohol intake, poor nutrition, and living a sedentary lifestyle. The good news is that certain simple and healthy lifestyle changes can help to reduce the risk of cancer, and nature can add to the cancer fighting benefits that will help you to healthy and cancer free.

Maintaining an overall healthy diet is one of the best lines of defense against many health problems such as obesity and cardiovascular disease, and cancer is not an exception to the benefits of following a healthy diet, and making better/healthier lifestyle choices.

Read more of the original article from WorldHealth