Is red wine GOOD for diabetics? Study claims the tipple’s main antioxidant can help reduce artery stiffness for type 2 sufferers

Many people count a glass of red wine as one of their guilty pleasures.

Yet, drinking the occasional Merlot may protect type 2 diabetes patients from heart attacks and strokes.

Researchers have found an antioxidant, known as resveratrol, in red wine reduces artery stiffness in type 2 diabetics, which is a known cause of heart-related illness.

Study author Dr Naomi Hamburg, chief of vascular biology, Boston University School of Medicine, said: ‘This adds to emerging evidence that there may be interventions that may reverse the blood vessel abnormalities that occur with aging and are more pronounced in people with type 2 diabetes and obesity.’

Read more of the original article from DailyMail.

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