Horror Story 1.

Called G.P because of pain and bleeding from period Doubled over in pain, Called for appt got one for 2 weeks away. OMG I am in pain told the woman making the appt. nothing we can do do you want to keep your appt. yes I told her. Went in two weeks later, Doctor told me I had 10 mins to explain what was going on she was to busy today . ok I told her and she said it is just your menstruation, ok so why the pain still. IDK do you want a blood test? What is that not the call of the doctor to decide this. Yes I said. Come to find out 3 weeks later a call for my blood test “I was pregnant” what I said she told me I was very pregnant according to the blood test. I told her I still was bleeding and pain she then told me I had an appt with the ” baby doc” ok, I said she gave me the appt and soon then went . Sonogram ? blood work. Wait for doctor to talk to me and hubby. Nothing doctor was confused on why they sent me to him. Blood work showed I was not preg and to have my blood count drop so fast to 0 was not correct. And the pain and bleed there is a problem somewhere. He then looked and did more test . Now No more children for me or husband . Full on Hysterectomy because of this mess, it was my only option per doctor. Called Place that did blood work and they told us that there was a mistake made with the blood not once but 3 times.