Milk : The Deadly Poison

by Robert Cohen, Jane Heimlich
The author has passionately described in great detail the thing that most people do not want to hear. Cohen is attacking the the first cousin of apple pie, Mom, and the flag – milk. We all have drank it for years and most don’t want to think about giving it up. However, if Mr. Cohen is correct (and I believe he is), you have a responsibilty to yourself and your family to test it out. Mr. Cohen is fighting an uphill battle, but I believe he is causing a groud swell of the population that is taking health into their own hands. The Wall Street Journal’s (Aug 3) front page talked about the surge of non dairy milks (soy) and it’s continued growing popularity. Read Mr. Cohen’s book (stay with it, it isn’t easy reading) and you will become convicted to research this topic even further. sjc