The Top 9&10 Facts Proving Medicine is Scientific. Over the years the Medical profession has tried to convince the lay public, that it’s the only scientific form of health care.

And at the same time, unsucessfully, attempting to drive it’s competitors out of business through propaganda and smeer capaigns. The following information pertains to language found in the medical drug bible called the (PDR) or Physicians Desk Reference.) This book is all about the drugs and is heavily relied upon by all the self proclaimed M.D. scientists.

10. There is no evidence that “blank” drug is metabolized.
9. Addiction is very possible if you take “blank drug.
8. Animals studies indicate. [Meaning: we don’t know what it will do in humans.]
7. Treatment with “blank” drug should be discontinued immediately when toxic reactions occur.
6. “Blank” drug may interact with……..
5. Should be used with caution.
4. Can cause possible liver failure.
3. Some evidence to suggest that this product might help.
2. The precise mechanism of “blank” is not known or is unclear.
1. The mode of action is not known.
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