The brain of a seasoned cab driver.

A study published in the proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences reports that the human brain structure changes to accommodate functional demands. This work analyzed the size and shape of cab drivers’ brains and found a definite enlargement of the posterior hippocampus. This part of the brain is associated with spatial memory. It appeared to be especially prominent in the more seasoned drivers. However, to make room for this enlargement, their brains became smaller in the anterior Hippocampus; there are little data to indicate the function of that area. Other studies have found adapted brain structure changes in musicians. I predict that one day there will be an instrument read out, letting us know what each part of the brain is trying to communicate. Take for example cab drivers having smaller Hippocampus. It is obvious this message is not getting through because many become large and over weight due to the excessive sedentary lifestyles.