Viagra for panda bears?

Remember that childhood tune, “everybody’s doing it, doing it, and doing it. Picking their nose and chewing it, chewing it”. Well, I’m anticipating a rhyme any day about the drug Viagra. In this week’s headlines, I learned that in order to ensure the panda bears population in China, one of country’s “foremost panda researchers” recommended administering the drug Viagra to panda bears. Rather than trying to come to the realization that when you place animals in captivity, feed them different food and water than what they find in the wild, subject them to pollution and crowds of noisy human beings leaves these animals exhausted and unproductive. The answer is not a dangerous drug like Viagra that’s been responsible for hundreds of human beings dying unnecessarily. A better solution maybe to tag the bears and turn them loose into the wild where they belong and deserve to be. As nature takes its course, they will multiply naturally. It’s a health outrage and animal abuse, to drug these beautiful creatures, just because people, like former presidential candidate Bob Dole, not get a stiffer wallet for his endorsement.