The Top 9&10 Health Benefits of Writing:

1. Writing helps integrate and organize our complicated lives in a variety of ways.
2. Writing clears the mind.
3. Writing helps resolve traumas that stand in the way of important tasks.
4. Writing helps in acquiring and remembering new information.
5. Writing fosters problem solving. it forces people to sustain their attention on a given topic for a longer period of time.
6. Writing lowers the blood pressure and heart rate, and benefits the immune system.
7. Writing improves lung function in asthmatics.
8. Writing improves joint mobility in rheumatoid arthritis.
9. Writing a note to someone, you have had a confrontation, with helps to mend the relationship.
10. Writing relieves anxiety.

(Adapted from Opening Up by James W. Pennebaker, and The Write Way to Wellness by Kathleen Adams) Also, see the April 2000 edition of Alternative Medicine magazine.