Hi Dr. Bob,

Thanks you sooo much for reponding. I really miss, not having you down on Missouri Ave; it’s just not the same without you!!!!

Yes, I do know about the salivary hormone test. In fact, I’m making an appointment with a Naturopathic doctor who specializes in women. Actually, I’ve been doing very well with menopause, but I’m almost 56 years old and enough is enough!!!!!!!!!! I thought I was done with periods until I started to take Melatonin. I’m at a VERY HIGH risk for breast cancer and thought that increasing my CoQ 10 and taking Melatonin would be a big help….but enough with the Melatonin!

Thank you for asking about my cystitis; since you recommend CranActin, many years ago; I’ve been doing great!!!! It pretty much eliminated the problem!! Actually, I’ve been in very good health, just would like to quit having periods and keep that breast cancer away! Life is good…….I hope all is well with you and your beautiful family!!!

Jan D’A.