Dear Dr. Bob,

No–I wasn’t sure what craziness they were going to recommend at the Pediatrician’s office and I wanted to be sure I had some ammo. Fortunately, bodywise she checked out–no gastrointestinal stuff they could see or find–he believed it was also stress induced, but had no suggestions beyond counseling if it didn’t clear up after 4 more weeks. Thank you so much for your information. I had given her acidophilus and Kaopectate for the diarrhea, which helped but I didn’t want to give the Kaopectate. I wasn’t sure about the vomiting and the nerves. You are a Godsend. I listen whenever I can.

Thank you!!!!!!

Mom of 2, teacher of 23. (I pass on your information as much as I can!

Brenda L.

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