Dear Dr. Bob,

I try to listen to your program as often as I can and think your website is teriffic. I’m 78 and still going strong, even though I can’t afford a daily masseuse, as Mr. Bob Hope can.

I’m a strong believer in alternate methods and less on “slice and dice”.

I frequently visit the VA hospital as a cardio patient following two bypass surgeries, 1980 and again in 1986. Also had a complete cardiac arrest,(an embolism)in 1993. I have influenced a young intern (in VA hospital) to consider approaching his career along the lines you seem to follow and will furnish him with your website and show schedule. I told him that he can go far by letting his patients know that he too advocates alternate methods. I am furnishing him with information on colloidal minerals, OPC’s and colloidal silver just as a start.

A shame that the AMA doesn’t spend more effort on nutrition and less on trying to simulate natures products just so they can get a patent on drugs that in many cases produce harmful side effects. I think they are beginning to see a new profit picture begining to unfold and perhaps will embrace the new “Golden Cash Cow”.

I have’nt had a cold in 8 years, even though my family members are constantly filling the household air with flying mucus from their various maladies. Some people just love to argue with or ignore success. They’re starting to become believers though.

All the best and I pray that you will continue serving mankind for decades to come.


Ted L.