Dear Dr. Bob,

Your program is wonderful to say the least. I was once a sceptic about vitamin and mineral supplements, but became a beleiver when my wife got me to view a video which presented the FACTS about our LOW QUALITY FUEL (food). Once I was convinced that it’s impossible to maintain good health with the junk we buy at the supermarket, and I’m talking about fresh vegetables and fruits, I became an advocate of V & M supplements. There are a lot of people that don’t know that we’ve been robbed of our necessary nutrients by our farming practices.

If you could bring out more of the studies done about this subject, A lot more people will become ‘converts’

I’m not critisizing your program content, but just pointing out that a couple of years ago I would of said…

‘Oh they just wanna sell stuff. Just eat right and you’ll be OK.’

Not True


Yours truly,

Gary and Brenda