Dear Dr. Bob,

I really enjoy hearing your show here in Phx,AZ every Sat. morning. I heard you refer to a product called Methyl-Cobilinent or something like that. I would like to know more about it since I didn’t hear all of that part of the show due to phone call interruption. I suffer from hi=blood pressure, had a TIA last July and have been suffering lots of joint pains and general fatigue. Also have to watch cholesterol level carefully, (now have the hdl level hi and the ldl lower.) I know at age 77 it’s natural to have problems but I would like to feel a bit better. I want to be independent as long as possible and not be a burden to my family. Thank you for your wonderful show. I believe in using natural means to keep healthy. You sure are a help in this regard. Try to be heard more often in the Phx area. It would be a blessing. Thank you for caring.

From your biggest fan,

Mrs. V. S.