Hi Dr. Martin,

I am writing in response to the question of domestic abuse. I am a mental health worker in the state of ME and the majority of cases I have been involved with have been with women as the abusers. In my personal life, it has been the same. My mother was a very violent abuser to my father, grandmother, sister, animals, and myself. My husband’s ex-wife was abusive, he sometimes wakes up at night when I would roll over to hug him because he thought he was going to get hit or kicked. The worst though, is that women are setting men up and they are going to prison for being forced into situations by these manipulating, “borderline” women. The old saying, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” is so true. The police and legal system have to get a hold on this soon because there really are very vindictive women in the world and in today’s society, men do not stand a chance. This is truely a hot topic for me, I am gathering info that I plan to present to sev eral members of domestic violence groups, as well as some members of the legislature. Thank you for addressing this subject in a more objective presentation on your program. I love your show.

Yours truly,
