I just wanted to send you this e-mail to thank-you from the bottom of my heart for all the help that you have given me, and also the good advice. Around February of this year I had a seizure while I was at work. It was determined that the seizure was caused by high blood- sugar. At the time that I was at the hospital my blood-sugar was at around “180”, and to make matters worse the hospital didn’t tell me, I didn’t find out until about one week later when I went to my Neurologist’s office and he told me. I won’t mention the hospital’s name. I didn’t appreciate that. I consulted with you over the internet, you gave me some good advice. But what really changed my life is when I went into see you at one of the Hi-Health’s health screening’s that you had in the east valley not to long after my seizure.

I had my blood-sugar tested again, and it was even higher! They said it was around 300!! I couldn’t believe it, I was really worried, I thought I was going to faint that day, I felt so terrible. I saw you right away and you immediately put me on some natural vitamins and minerals, especially formulated for diabetics, or people with high blood-sugar. At the time, I was not taking anything, except the dilatin, which I took only as a precaution, and I want to tell you, I hated it, but I took it. The day I took it, I could tell immediately “I felt so good” and I quickly started to recover, with energy that I had not had in quite some time. You also referred me that day to a doctor, who had worked with you once, and who was practicing in the east valley, where I lived. Her name is DR. DUKART, and I want to tell you she is one of the nicest and best doctors I have seen, in quite some time. With your help and with the help of DR. DUKART’S over several months, I have never felt better than before. She has been working with me on a consistent basis, and the results are great. I have been off of the dilatin now for several weeks, and I have lost a lot of weight. I no longer eat hardly any sugar, my diet has changed greatly, and I have started to exercise again, walking, jogging, every day, which I know is very important. She has also been working with me on my neck and back through chiropractic manipulation. I can tell you DR. MARTIN, I have always been a firm believer in natural medicine, but I’m truly a believer now. I was first introduced to natural medicine around 1988, and ever since that time I know what the benefits are. “no one, no one, better ever tell me that it does not work” because they will not like my response. Again thank-you DR. MARTIN for all your help and for telling me about DR. DUKART, I truly believe that if I did not come into see you, I may not be here, I was really sick. I have been through a lot of changes in the last few years, some very stressful, the loss of my father for one, and then losing my job, because of my illness, yes the world can be cruel, I think it probably caused the sugar increase a long with my diet, I’m sure. Take-care, and thank-god for K.F.Y.I. without the station I would have never found you, and I would have probably never found DR. DUKART. And I would have never found my health again either.

I can truly say, “DR. BOB- I FEEL SO GOOD IT HURTS”.


Kevin R.

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