Common food items could contain more fluoride than tap water


Tap water and toothpaste are considered the main sources for fluoride exposure overlooking other possibilities. There are common food items that could contain up to 180 times more fluoride than tap water according to fluoride expert Jeff Green, who has been protesting fluoride for over 20 years.

Green states that non-organic foods can be a huge contributor to the exposure, and not just one kind. Foods products that are conventionally farmed may contain extreme levels of fluoride, and by eating them you are unintentionally exposing yourself to it. Not only do the crops get watered with regular fluorinated water, but cryolite is used on them, which is actually sodium aluminum fluoride, it is used to kill bugs and is very sticky making it extremely hard to get off. So traditionally grown food items get hit doubly by fluoride with watering and with fluoride based pesticides.

Read more of the original article from WorldHealth

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