Women continue to get reamed-out by greedy doctors

In his groundbreaking 1979 book, Confessions of a Medical Heretic,” Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D. shocked the world by revealing that more than 800,000 hysterectomies were performed in 1975 and “very few of them were necessary.” He noted that, ” In six New York hospitals, 43% of the hysterectomies reviewed were found to be unjustified.” Dr. Mendelsohn had hoped by making such scandalous information public, the situation would improve. Sadly, he would be very disappointed if he were still alive today. According to a new study conducted, as many as 70% of all hysterectomies performed in the United States may be unnecessary. About 70% of the 500 cases reviewed by researchers were judged to be recommended inappropriately. In many cases doctors recommended the procedure without even evaluating the women to determine the true cause of their problem(s). Instead of looking at the procedure as a “last resort,” many doctors jumped right to surgery as an easy and profitable solution. [ Ladies, unless you want to chance becoming a future Health Outrage victim, trust no one when it comes to your body parts especially, allopathic cut happy surgeons.]
